Edmonds Special Education Support Group

Trish Thrush
Trish Thrush is a parent of two children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She has a passion for volunteerism, positive advocacy and social justice.
Trish has participated in several Special Education trainings and enjoys helping other parents learn about positive advocacy and the Special Education process.
Trish works at Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy, a statewide nonprofit as a Health Law Advocate where she helps people affected by disability when insurance companies have denied medically necessary treatment. In additon to serving as Leader of the Support Group she serves as a point of contact for parents who need information, advocacy tips or someone to be a sounding board. You can reach her via email at trishnjonah@gmail.com

Jodie- (Details Coming Soon)
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Maylen Castro
Maylen is the mother of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD who receives Special Education services in Edmonds School District. Maylen is originally from Cuba where she recived a Masters Degree in Education. Maylen speaks fluent Spanish.
Maylen has particiapted in Special Education trainings and has a passion for positive advocacy and helping others navigate the education system.
Maylen works at Seattle Children's Hospital coordinating services for families.
This is her first year with the PTSA and she looks forward to creating positce changes in the district.
You can reach her via email at maylen020406@yahoo.com

Ellen Rice Lewis
Ellen Rice-Lewis is the mother of two children who attend school in Edmonds School District one who receives Special Education Services. Ellen is a long term social worker who supports adults with developmental disabilities. Ellen has a passion for helping others and finding resources to do so. After her second child was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder she realized that advocacy was going to be a way of life. Ellen enjoys volunteerism to make a positive difference in the lives of others