Edmonds Special Education Support Group
Social Skills Therapist/Groups
Below you'll find Snohomish and King County Social Skills groups/therapists. Please let us know if you have a recommendation.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, is not intended as medical or legal advice. The Edmonds SPED Support Group cannot guarantee satisfaction with any one provider.
Snohomish County
Mountlake Terrace
Mosaic Children's Therapy (Mountlake Terrace clinic)
Social Skills Groups Ages range from 3-18
Providence Children’s Center in Everett - contributes a day camp at Forest Park that includes swimming, classrooms, outdoor playfield, nature trails, playground, and petting zoo for children with special needs and their siblings. http://washington.providence.org
Puget Sound Autism Services, LLC - provides counseling, consulting, social skills groups for kids and teen grils, assessment, supplemental education, workshops, and parent support groups to individuals, families and educators facing the joys and challenges of ASD. (206) 617-2131 glennaclouse@gmail.com www.psautism.com
Lynnwood Speech and Language Services - offers group therapy for ages 4 through 18+ to address friendship development and social thinking. (425)-582-2473 www.lynnwoodspeechandlanguageservices.com
Smokey Point
Lindsey Beard- is a mental health counselor that uses ABA and other approaches. She runs social groups 5-6 years old and up. The groups that billable to insurances. (360)-420-9488. http://www.lindsaybeard.com/ServicesProvided.en.html
King County
Mosaic Children’s Therapy Clinic - a social skill group for kids of 3-5, a group for 6-10 and 11-18. http://www.mosaicrehab.com/bellevue/services/social_skills.php
(425) 644-6328 or bellevueclinic@mosaicrehab.com
Social Bridge/ PEERS - social skill group for teens (425) 533-9671 http://socialbridgeseattle.com/
Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT) - offers ABA treatment and programs for ages 3-20. (425) 223 5126 http://www.featwa.org/
Aspiring Youth - Social Skills Group serving ages Group 1: 8 – 10 years old; Group 2: 10-12 years old; Group 3: 13 and up. info@aspiringyouth.net http://www.aspiringyouth.net (206) 517-0241
Nature's Communication Center - offers a social speech therapy sessions (425) 458-5885 http://www.naturescommunication.com www.naturescommunication@gmail.com">www.naturescommunication@gmail.com
Social Skills Groups - groups of 3-6 students of similar ages structured around specific social skills development curriculum. Involves social skills lessons, discussions, games, team-building activities and more. Led by a licensed speech-language pathologist. Fantastic opportunity for students to meet new friends, learn new social language skills and increase social confidence! Our next social skills groups session block is scheduled to launch this upcoming Summer, 2017! Contact John Williamson at 425.229.9036 http://www.socialskillslab.com/social-groups/
Sound Mental Health - has a Spectrum club, a group for teens that meets up and plays games 2 times per month. About $30 per session. (Ages 12 & Up) (425) 653- 4960 http://www.smh.org info@smg.org
Theater of Possibility (TOP)- Theater of Possibility Summer Day Camp:
Theater of Possibility for youth with autism spectrum and other ability differences will offer a two-week half-day summer camp for ages 8-13 at University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, 98103, M-F, 3-6 PM, July 31-August 11. Cost $600. Contact Lauren Marshall to register. Partial scholarships and pay-what-you-can available. TOP is a DSHS respite care provider. Click here for a downloadable flyer for the TOP summer day camp. Winter-Spring TOP after-school classes in Seattle are under way. Please inquire about summer or next fall. New: Saturday classes for kids, teens and adults at Bellevue Youth Theatre: Lauren is also offering classes for ages 8-13 and 14+ (including adults of all ages) at Bellevue Youth Theatre, on Saturday mornings. The current session started March 4 and runs through early June. (with breaks for school holidays). Contact Lauren Marshall for more information. 206.320.0570 or Lauren@LaurenMarshall.com. Come Explore the Possibilities! Theater of Possibility ("TOP") helps young people give voice to their ideas and dreams! Through fun and zany theater games, improv exercises and role-playing, we explore the dynamics of friendship, family and school. Along the way, we shape powerful emotions and ideas into moving, profound and funny works of theater.
MindSource Center -offers social skills groups and ABA. (253) 639-7146 http://www.mindsourcecenter.com/ help@mindsourcecenter.com
Federal Way
The Center For Family & Lifespan Development- Little Builders Social Skills Group focuses on teaching social skills to children that struggle with friendships and social situations. The group meets on a weekly basis and is 2 hours long for ages 8-12. The center also provides young adult social skills group, social skills for kids, and Autism Spectrum support Contact Carly Pereira. (253)-235-5956 thecenterfld@gmail.com http://thecenterpsych.com
Lakeside Autism Center : TAG! - (a.k.a. Together Achieving Goals!) is a social program that offers children to build on their social skills in a group setting. TAG! programs are designed to promote the building of friendships, the sharing and expansion of ideas and conflict resolution. 425-657-0620 http://lakesideautism.com/services/tag/ info@lakesideautism.com
FEAT - Experience Learning Project - Families for Effective Autism Treatment has a teen social skills program for HFA and Asperger’s Syndrome. Through peer modeling, ELP works with teens to improve social, self-management, problem solving and communication skills within a service learning environment. In this program, we work with teens to improve social thinking, social problem solving, and knowledge of the concept of service and service provision. We meet every other week on Monday and Wednesday evening from 6 to 8pm. (425) 409-6209 http://www.featwa.org/experience-learning-project/ Katie.mcandrew@featwa.org
RAYS Family Center (Renton) offers a Kaleidoscope Play & Learn group once a week for parents and children ages 0-5 years old county-wide program with all groups following a general set of guidelines. (206)-772-2050 http://www.rays.org
Children’s Therapy Unit in Kent provide group sessions that focus on teaching children with special needs a variety of social skills to help improve their ability to make and keep friends, develop more self-confidence, and behave more appropriately. Our social skills groups meet once per week for 10 months during the school year. (253)-854-5660 http://www.ctckids.org/ intake@dynamicpartners.org
Basic Beginnings - organizes two summer camps called Camp Friendship and Teen Rocks with social skills lessons and activities to practice ability learned. Basic Beginnings also does life skills classes with teen groups which include shopping, cooking, cleaning, and more! (425) 922-7720 Info@basicbeginnings.net http://basicbeginnings.net/
Connections Behavioral - offers social skills groups. 425-658-3016 shannon.s@connections-behavior.com http://www.connections-behavior.com/
Wally's Club- has social skills groups for elementary school ages on the Eastside. Contact Leslie Fields at (425) 503-3925 leslie@wallysclub.com www.wallysclubeastside.com
Pathways to Communication composed of a group of professionals dedicated to identifying each child's unique communication strengths and challenges. Ours is an interactive approach involving uniquely integrating treatment methods into each interaction. (425)-210-6962 www.pathwaystocommunication.net
Frameworks CTR- provides social skills groups for ages 4-18. They also have a day camp for kids with special needs, and a teen club for social interactions and outings. (425)-820-4717 http://www.frameworksctr.com/
Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA)
Aspire Girls. A group for girls, age eight to sixteen, who have ASD, to this monthly group where they can play, socialize, and have fun with their peers.Group topics include awareness of self, social initiation, appropriate conversation, forming new friendships, bullying, sensory awareness, coping with emotions, gender roles and identity, and much more! Participants also get the chance to enjoy all kinds of activities from sharing their special interests with others to dancing to their favorite music. To ensure that the activities engage your child, we like to find out ahead of time what she is interested in. Then we choose activities for each meeting based on the interests of the girls who attend.Each child must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver, which gives you a chance to connect with other parents at the same time. The group meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. in the Baker Adams room at the Together Center 16225 NE 87th St in Redmond. It is facilitated by Jaymi Shull, BCBA. Jaymi has provided clinical services to children for over ten years. She completed graduate degrees in school psychology and applied behavior analysis.
Friendship Matters! Friendship is important for all of us. But for kids and young adults with ASD, making friends can be challenging. Autism often interferes with their ability to engage socially and sustain relationships with others. That ability can improve through socially significant interaction. Friendship Matters! provides an avenue for making friends through community-based, indoor and outdoor recreational activities supported by professionals with experience in social communication. Through activities such as visiting teen centers, shopping malls, and parks; racing go-karts; seeing movies; and going to restaurants — all under the guidance of dynamic social skills coaches — participants can improve their social skills, develop lasting friendships, and enjoy a crucial sense of normalcy.
The young adult group [Ages 18-21] meets every Thursday (except holidays) from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
The adolescents group [Ages 13-17] meets every Monday (except holidays) at the WAAA office from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Both groups offer a 1:6 staff to participant ratio and require preregistration and admission to the program prior to attendance and are open to WAAA members. We welcome youth, adolescents and adults who need high levels of support or supervision for everyday activities. If a participant needs help from a 1:1 caregiver, their caregiver must attend the program to assist them. 425.894.7231