Edmonds Special Education Support Group
Local Speech Therapy Providers
Below you'll find local Speech Therapists who have been recommended by Edmonds Special Education Support Group. Please let us know if you have a recommendation.
*This list is not meant to be exhaustive, is not intended as medical or legal advice. The Edmonds SPED PTSA Leadership Team cannot guarantee satisfaction with any one provider.*
Please be sure to complete the following steps before you begin services to avoid unexpected bills:
1. Verify with your insurance company (in writing) that you have Speech benefit coverage.
2. Request the full and complete process for prior-authorization (also known as Pre-certication, pre-service review ext).
3. Confirm that the provider you choose is in-network
If Speech therapy is not covered by your plan, there is not an in-network provider or you encounter any barriers to service you can contact Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy for free insurance assistance.
Blue Sky Pediatric Speech Therapy
Location: 14920 Westminster Way N. 1A Shoreline, WA 98133
Phone: 206.306.9999
Email: info@BlueSkySpeech.com
Conditions Assesed/Treated: Speech, language, learning and communication deficits including: Apraxia Articulation Auditory Processing Autism Spectrum Disorder Concept Imagery Learning Disabilities Motor Speech Disorders (PROMPT) Phonological Disorders Pragmatic Language/Social Skills Problem Solving Receptive and Expressive Language Written Language
Ages Served- 0-Teen
Child Strive (Formerly Little Red School House)
Location: 210 200th PL SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 425-353-5656
Phone: 425-353-5656
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Developmental Delay, Congenitial and other conditions effecting development
Treatment Offered: In Home Therapy for children Birth-3
Ages Treated: 0-3
Clear Speech Inc. (Carol Lorioux Loup)
Location: 3602 Everett Ave Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 259-7285
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Oral-Motor and Feeding Disorders, Disorders effecting Speech Clarity, Auditory Processing Disorders
Treatment Provided: Provides speech, auditory and feeding therapy in a clinic that is designed to look like a neighborhood home inside and out.
Location: 19401 40th Avenue West Suite 310 Lynnwood, WA 98036
Phone: 425-582-2473
Email: ssnstewart@aol.com
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Childhood Dyspraxia of Speech, ASD, Dysarthria, Down Syndrome, Developmental Delay, and Sensory Integration Disorder, early literacy, language, social pragmatic, speech sound disorders (phonology and motor planning) and articulation disorders
Treatment Offered: Speech and Language Evaluations, Reading and Spelling Assessment. Individual therapy for language, speech, voice, stuttering, reading, spelling, social communication and social skills. Group therapy: ages 4 – 18+ to address friendship development and social thinking. Parenting Classes utilizing the Nurtured Heart Approach through Catherine Stafford, MSW, cathstafford@msn.com.
Social Skills Group: offers group therapy for ages 4 through 18+ to address friendship development and social thinking.
Location: 402 – 91st Avenue NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Phone: (425) 334-4071
Email: Sherwood@sherwoodcs.org
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Diagnosis or delay; Cognition: learning Physical/motor development: moving, seeing, and hearing Speech and language development: communicating and understanding other people Social and emotional development: responding to and relating with others Adaptive development: dressing and caring for daily living needs
Ages served: Birth to 36 months
Snohomish Speech and Language
Location: 629 Avenue D Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone: (425) 268-4118
Email: jennifer@snohomishsl.com
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Includes but not limited to: Autism, developmental and congetial conditons, Speech sound production (articulation), Social engagement and interaction skills, Pre-verbal communication skills such as eye gaze and gesture, Developing verbal communication, Alternate communication tools for children who are unable to communicate verbally, Length, complexity or grammatical accuracy of language, Organization of language, Understanding language, Thinking and reasoning with language, Using language functionally in social settings, Tongue thrust.
Monroe Speech & Language Center
Location: 1237 W. Main Street - Monroe, WA 98272
Phone: 360.794.1061
Email: info@mslc.net
Conditions Assesed/Treated: Speech Delays, Phonological Speech Disorders, Developmental Apraxia of Speech, Oral Motor Deficits, VPI and Cranio-Facial Anomalies, Language Delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Myofunctional (Tongue Thrust) Disorders, Social / Pragmatic Language Deficits, Reading, Writing & Spelling Struggles, iLs Home Supervision"
Mosaic Children's Therapy (Mountlake Terrace clinic)
Location: 21907 64th Ave W, #110 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Phone: (425) 673-5220
Conditions Assessed Treated: Apraxia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD, Rett Syndrome), Brain Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Cleft Palate and Related Disorders, Delayed Speech and Language Development, Developmental Delays, Down Syndrome, Dysphagia, Gait Disturbances, Hemiplegia, Motor Speech Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, Oral-Motor Deficits, Orthopedic Needs, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Social/Pragmatic Language Disorders, Static Encephalopathy, Spina Bifida, Tonal Deficits, Torticollis, Voice Disorders
Treatment Offered: Speech Therapy & AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Location: In home or work-all of Snohomish County
Phone: 425-931-5550
Email: slpsea@gmail.com
Webpage: https://www.nithyasiva.com/home.html
Assessment and treatment for adults, adolescents and children (2 and older) cognitive-communication, communication and articulation disorders, both acquired and developmental, stroke, TBI, mild TBI, voice, vocal cord disorder/paradoxical vocal fold motion, swallowing disorders, head and neck cancer pre and post radiation/surgery assessment and consultation, ALS/MS, Parkinson's, augmentative communication - low tech and high tech, stroke, traumatic brain injury, or have a developmental communication disorder like a learning disability, or autism spectrum disorder -
Conditions Assessed/Treated:
Treatment Offered: Treatment provided in home or work: direct 1:1, small group as appropriate indirect including consultation, collaboration emphasis on treatment in context and familiar environments inclusive models of managing developmental disabilities family training, caregiver training vocational and avocational focus health literacy integrating motor and cognitive/communication goals functional, real-life situationsLee Silverman Voice Treatment Certified Neuro Developmental Treatment for Adults with Hemiplegia Certified PROMPT trained Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Certified Lidcombe Method for stuttering trained.
Ages Served: 2-Lifespan
The Providence Children’s Center
Location: Children's Center/Pavilion for Women and Children
900 Pacific Avenue Everett, WA 98201 -
Phone: (425) 258-7311
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Disorders effecting Speech and Language
Treatment Offered: Early Intervention, 0-2 in the natural environment. For children age 3 and Older, services are provided in the clinic.
Bothell Hand and Pediatrics (The Pediatric Center)
Location: 18504 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011
Phone: 425-481-1933
Email: office@bpht.com
Web: bpandht.com
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Alternative and augmentative communication: high-tech and low tech Articulation Delay (making sounds) and Phonological Delay, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Childhood apraxia/dyspraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders (e.g. dysarthia), Cleft, Lip and Palate, Cognitive communication deficits (e.g., memory/recall, sequencing, Delayed communication milestones (late talkers), Early Intervention (birth-3),Feeding/oral motor difficulties, General Language Delays (below normal language development), Genetic disorders/syndromes (e.g., Down Syndrome),Global developmental delays, Hearing Impairments (mild to severe ear damage), Literacy development, Narrative language (story-telling) challenges, Pragmatic (social skills) disorders, Receptive (understanding language) and Expressive (expressing ideas) Language Impairment, Stuttering, Tongue thrust, Tongue – Tie, Traumatic brain injury, Voice disorders (e.g., hoarse/harsh voice, volume control, pitch),
Treatment Offered: Language Development, Articulation Therapy, PROMPT, Floortime, ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis), Augmentative Communication, Social Skills Groups, Parental Education, Teacher Collaboration
Location: 16030 Bothell-Everett Hwy Suite 140 Mill Creek, WA 98012
Phone: 425) 338-9005
Webpage: https://cascadechildrenstherapy.com
Conditions Assessed/Treated: Preverbal Communication Receptive Language: Comprehension Expressive Language Articulation: Pronunciation of words Phonology: Knowledge of “rules” governing use of speech sounds in relation to one another Social Language: Using language / communication skills in a variety of social contexts through verbal interactions with others Oral Motor / Feeding Respiration Phonation: Vocal production Fluency: Stuttering Play Skills Problem Solving Skills Augmentative Communication: low to high technology systems
Treatment Offered: Hanen — It Takes Two to Talk – The Hanen Program for Parents, Hanen — More Than Words – The Hanen Program for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, NDT — Neurodevelopmental Treatment, The Alert Program for Self-Regulation, Floortime — Developmental Individual Difference Relationship Model (DIR), PROMPT — Prompts for Restructuring Oral Musculature Phonetic Targets, Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention, Kaufmann Speech Praxis Treatment Approach, Programs to develop literacy skills, including the Wilson Reading Program, Linguistic Remedies, Living Linguistics, See & Learn, and others.
Stepping Stones Therapy Network (Integrated Developmental Center)
Location: 18311 Bothell-Everett Highway Suite 260 Bothell, WA 98012
Phone: 206-573-0964
Email: info@steppingstones-ot.com
Webpage: http://www.steppingstones-ot.com
Conditions Assessed Treated: Includes, but is not limited to working with:
Developmental Delay, Handwriting Remediation Needs, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorder, Treatment to improve visual perceptual skills, Communication and Phonological Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury, Low Vision, Other psychological and neurological conditions -
Treatment Offered: Speech Therapy