Edmonds Special Education Support Group
Local Feeding Therapy Providers
Below you'll find local Feeding Therapists who have been recommended by Edmonds Special Education Support Group Membership. Please let us know if you have a recommendation.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, is not intended as medical or legal advice. The Edmonds SPED PTSA Leadership Team cannot guarantee satisfaction with any one provider.
Please be sure to complete the following steps before you begin services to avoid unexpected bills:
1. Verify with your insurance company (in writing) that you have Feeding Therapy benefit coverage.
2. Request the full and complete process for prior-authorization (also known as Pre-certication, pre-service review ext).
3. Confirm that the provider you choose is in-network
If Feeding therapy is not covered by your plan, there is not an in-network provider or you encounter any barriers to service you can contact Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy for free insurance assistance.
Clear Speech Inc. (Carol Lorioux Loup)
Location: 3602 Everett Ave Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 259-7285
Conditions Assed/Treated: Oral-Motor and Feeding Disorders
Treatment Provided: Feeding therapy in a clinic that is designed to look like a neighborhood home inside and out.
Stepping Stones Therapy Network
Location: 18311 Bothell-Everett Highway Suite 260 Bothell, WA 98012
Phone: 206-573-0964
Email: info@steppingstones-ot.com
Webpage: http://www.steppingstones-ot.com
Location: 402 – 91st Avenue NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Phone: (425) 334-4071
Email: Sherwood@sherwoodcs.org
Conditions Assesed/Treated: Diagnosis or delay; Cognition: learning Physical/motor development: moving, seeing, and hearing Speech and language development: communicating and understanding other people Social and emotional development: responding to and relating with others Adaptive development: dressing and caring for daily living needs
Treatment Offered: Oral Motor and Feeding Therapy
Ages served: Birth to 36 months