Edmonds Special Education Support Group
Snohomish County Support Groups
Below you'll find Snohomish County Support Groups. Please let us know if you have a recommendation.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, is not intended as medical or legal advice. The Edmonds cannot guarantee satisfaction with any one provider.
Adult Caregiver Support Group
For families who have an adult son or daughter with developmental disabilities to share concerns, information and resources during interactive meetings with featured speakers.
Jamie Coonts Jamie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459
North County Parent Support Group- coordinated by Marie Preftes at Faith
Lutheran Church, 1424 172nd St NE, Arlington, 98223 (425)258-2459
darrell86@netzero.com Sponsored by the Arc of Snohomish County, runs from 6:30
to 8:00 PM.
Sibshops provide opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with special health care needs to obtain peer support and education while participating in recreational activities. Siblings have an opportunity to share joys, concerns, problem solve and have a better understanding of their sibling’s disability.
Jessie Atkins Jessie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459 x 105
Mother’s Network
Mother’s Network is a group of moms raising children with developmental disabilities who meet, share resource information and offer one another support and encouragement. Meetings are the first Saturday of the month, 10am-12pm at Mill Creek Foursquare Church, 1415-164th St. SW, Lynnwood.
Jessie Atkins Jessie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459 x 105
Lego® Club
A FREE, fun recreational opportunity for children with or without disabilities, their siblings, friends, grandparents and neighbors to meet and socialize while enjoying the timeless activity of building with Lego’s®. All supplies are provided at no cost. Just show up and have fun! Lego® Club meets the third Sunday of the month from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Everett Firefighters Hall (across from the Arc office); 2411 Hewitt Avenue in Everett.
Tracie Diemert Tracie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459 x 111
Turquoise Social Group for Women in Edmonds- Turquoise is a group for women
with ADD, AS, HFA, NLD or related conditions. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 6:30 PM and feature movies, board games, recipe swapping, book discussions, crafts, and other activities that are of interest to participants. Email mulberry.bush@live.com for more information.
Caregiver Support Group - Open to anyone in a caregiver role. Meets the third Wednesday of the month, 11-12:30pm. For lunchtime meetings bring your own lunch or snack. Refreshments will be provided for all meetings. Contact Stephani Perin-Earling at the Arc offices, 2500 Hewitt Ave, Suite 300, Everett, WA. Phone: (425)258-2459 x109 Stephani@arcsno.org www.arcsno.org
Everett Parent Support Group- Contact Tracie Diemert at the Arc Office, 2500 Hewitt Ave, Suite 300, Everett, WA. Phone: (425) 258-2459 ext 111 Tracie@arcsno.org
I C.A.N. - Women's Self-advocacy Support Network- Is a group for women with disabilities that meets at the Arc Office every third Wednesday of the month at 5:00-6:30 PM, RSVP required. Contact Corinna Fale at (425)258-2459 x103 Corinna@arcsno.org
Father's Network- This group meets the fourth Thursday of the month, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. It’s ran by Jeff Atkins at Snohomish County Arc office, 2500 Hewitt Ave, Suite 300, Everett, WA. You can reach him at (425) 258-2459 ext 105 or atkii913@yahoo.com www.fathersnetwork.org
Padres Unidos de Snohomish County - is a support group in Spanish for parents 6:00-8:00 PM. ran by Sugely Sanchez at The Little Red Schoolhouse, 14 East Casino Rd, Building A, Everett WA 98208. You can reach him at (425)258-2459 x105 or sugely@arcsno.org
Parent Connections- This group meets on the second Monday of the month, 7 - 8:30pm. Everyone is welcome. No child care is provided. Contact Jessie Atkins at the Arc of Snohomish County offices, 2500 Hewitt Ave Suite 300, Everett, WA. Phone: (425) 258-2459 Ext 105 Jessie@arcsno.org www.arcsno.org
Snohomish Autism Spectrum Support Information and Education (SASSIE)- Parent To Parent of the Arc of Snohomish County Autism Support Group meets the fourth Monday of the month from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Contact Tracie Diemert at The Arc of Snohomish County, 2500 Hewitt Ave, Suite 300, Everett. Phone: (425) 258-2459 ext 111 Tracie@arcsno.org
Parent Support Group for Hispanic Parents of Children with Autism Contact: Melissa Douglas 425-312-0264 x67401 MelissaDouglas@seamarchc.org . Meets Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. at Seamar Community Health Center in Everett. Currently open to active clients.
Lake Stevens Parent Support Group - Kelly Church organizes a parent support
group at Lake Stevens School District Administration Building, 12309 22nd St NE, Room A, Lake Stevens, WA. For more information contact Kelly at (425) 258-2459 ext 107 or Kelly@arcsno.org
Asperger Parent Support Group - (hosted by Lutheran Community Services Northwest) Contact: Carmen Rasmussen 425-670-8984 ext. 22 crasmussen@lcsnw.org
Lynwood Parent Support Group - This group is for families facing the joys and challenges of children with special needs living in the south Snohomish County and surrounding communities sponsored by Puget Sound Autism Services. The group meets at the Lynwood Public Library, 19200 44th Avenue West, Lynnwood, WA. Contact Cynthia Allen-Weissinger: cxa0833@yahoo.com or (425) 438-9608 and Glenna Clouse ME.d., LMHC: glennaclouse@gmail.com or (206) 617-2131. Cynthia also runs the open discussion parent support group that meets from 7-8:30 PM at Puget Sound Autism Services, 5105 200th Street SW, Suite 10, Lynnwood, WA.
Snohomish County Mother's Network - This group meets the first Saturday of the month from 10:00 AM - Noon. Mothers only. Location: Mill Creek Foursquare Church, 1415 164th Street SW, Lynnwood, WA. Contact Jessie for childcare and registration at (425) 259-2459 ext 105 or Jessie@arcsno.org
Children with Asperger's Parent Group - Group meets twice monthly on the first and third Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Free. Guest speakers featured at the third Monday meetings. Sponsored by Family Support Center. Contact Pam Graham (425) 670-8984 x22 or pgraham@lcsnw.org . Location: The Family Center 6330 195th St SW, Lynnwood, WA. www.familysupportcenter.net
Mom and Me
(Dads, Caregivers and Siblings Welcome)
If you are the mom of a child age birth-to-5 who receives Early Intervention Services or your child has a developmental disability, this is the place for you! Join Mom and Me and experience a sense of community and receive support, encouragement and hope. Mom and Me meets twice each month.
Jessie Atkins Jessie@arcsno.org
Jamie Coonts Jamie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459
Parent Connections
Parents share concerns, information and resources during interactive meetings with featured speakers. Meetings occur the second Monday of the month, 7:00pm-8:30pm at The Arc office, 2500 Hewitt Ave. Suite 300, Everett.
Jessie Atkins Jessie@arcsno.org 425-258-2459 x 105