Edmonds Special Education Support Group
Special Education Advocates & Attorneys
On this page you will find local Special Education Advocates & Attorneys. This list is not meant to be exhaustive and is not intended as medical or legal advice. The Edmonds SPED Support Group cannot guarantee satisfaction with any provider.
Can’t afford an advocate or attorney? Check out our “Free IEP Help” page.
It’s hard to know when you need an Advocate vs when you might need an Attorney or how to choose one!
Here are some articles to help you with this important decision:
“The Difference Between Special Education Advocates and Attorneys” from Understood.
Guidelines for Choosing an Advocate from Council of Parent Attorney’s and Advocates (COPAA).
Guidelines for Choosing an Attorney from Council of Parent Attorney’s and Advocates (COPAA).
Before you hire an advocate:
It’s important to know that there are no required degrees or legal training requirements to have a Special Education Advocacy business and no specific license in WA. Checking the qualifications of an advocate can be crucial to your child’s success.
Things to ask for/about your potential advocate:
Business License number.
Length of time in practice.
Advocacy experience and education.
Experience they have with your child’s disability.
Experience they have with your school district.
Fees and contract for services in writing.
How long will they remain involved?
Will they refer you to an attorney if needed?
Will they provide in person or over the phone for meeting preparation?
Do they attend IEP meetings with you?
If necessary will they provide testimony in court?
Ask for 3 or more references, including the contact information so you can follow up.
Ask local groups of parents for their honest opinion.
Synapse Learning Solutions
Synapse is based in Seattle, Washington and provides Educational Consulting.
Email: Kelly Warner-King at kelly@SynapseLearningSolutions.com
Phone: 206-920-2414
Reviewing and Consulting on:
IEP/504 Plans
Behavior Plans
Evaluations and Assessments
Phone and Video Consultations available
Team Meeting Preparation and Support
Academic career review and recommendations
Addressing Emergent Family Needs
Short list of specialties:
Sensory Processing Disorder
Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
Other Learning Disabilities
*Free half hour initial consultation
Phone: 206.372.0465.
Web: dawson@advocate-collaborate.com
Navigate the special education & gifted maze
Pre-K thru 12th grade, through intuitive
Consultation and direct negotiation.
Creating educational plan.
Complex case work including: Autism, ADHD/ADD, Behavior Intervention, Specific Learning Disabilities and Gifted Education.
Phone: 888 881-5904 / 206 914-0975
Email: larrydavis@specialeducationadvocacy.org
Web: http://www.specialeducationadvocacy.org
Special Education Attorney’s
Katherine George, Johnstone George LLC
Katherine has been in private practice for more than 10 years, focusing on administrative and appellate law. She has represented appellants and amicus parties in dozens of precedent-setting cases. In the civil rights arena, she has extensive experience helping parents improve special education for children with disabilities. She also has substantial experience helping news organizations and citizens exercise their right to know what government agencies are doing, including handling numerous cases under state and federal sunshine laws. Katherine’s practice also has emphasized protecting the environment from harmful developments. Katherine began her law career in 2005 as a law clerk to the Hon. Gerry Alexander, then chief justice of the Washington Supreme Court. Before practicing law, Katherine worked as a political reporter and assistant city editor at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for 15 years.
Phone: 425.802.1052
Email: kathy@johnstongeorge.com
Web: www.johnstongeorge.com
Charlotte Cassady, Cassady Law
Charlotte Cassady earned her reputation as a tireless advocate for students and families through demonstrated results. Since 1998, Charlotte has litigated against dozens of schools around the State of Washington on behalf of students and their families, consistently achieving high quality placements, monetary awards, and services for her clients. A graduate of Tulane University School of Law, cum laude, Charlotte moved to Seattle in 1990 to work with Seattle’s then-largest corporate law firm in the labor, employment, and school law area. She left to pursue a career in public interest law and became particularly interested in child advocacy work while volunteering for Teamchild, a legal services organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of youth. In 1998, Charlotte started Cassady Law, focusing on youth advocacy and education law. Charlotte has served on the boards of community organizations focused on ensuring rights and services for youth and their families and speaks frequently at CLEs and seminars focused on youth advocacy and education. See Charlotte’s LinkedIn profile for more information.
Phone: 206-264-9420.
Email: Charlotte@Cassadylaw.org
Web: https://cassadylaw.org/attorneys/
Nicholle S. Mineiro, Cassady Law
Nicholle Mineiro represents parents and students in education matters. Her focus is on special education and civil rights litigation, including discrimination, bullying and harassment. Although she now exclusively focuses on parent representation, her background in public entity defense litigation, including school district defense, gives her an in-depth perspective and comprehensive approach to her representation of students. Nicholle is admitted to practice in the United States District Courts, Western District of Washington and Central District of California, and is a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, the Washington State Association for Justice, and the King County Bar Association. Prior to law school, she earned a Master’s in Education from Claremont Graduate University, and taught elementary school in Title I schools and full inclusion classrooms. See Nicholle’s LinkedIn profile for more.
Nicholle enjoys the outdoors with her husband, two daughters and very energetic dog, spending weekends hiking and camping. Her family recently had a once-in-a-lifetime experience hiking the Grand Canyon.
Speaking engagements:
“IEP and 504 Plan Workshop"- National Business Institute, October 27, 2016
“IDEA-Blueprints to Special Education” – Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy (WAAA)- March 7, 2016, September 17, 2016, and upcoming March 2017
“Civil rights protection for victims of bullying”- WA FEAST Food Allergy Conference- November 14, 2015
Phone: (206) 452-5665 EXT.3
Web: www.mineirolawpllc.com, www.cassadylaw.org
Lara Hruska & Angela Shapow, Cedar Law Pllc,
"Cedar Law offers solutions for schools, students, and families in Washington and California to resolve litigation and return focus to the fundamentals of teaching and learning. Our practice is guided by a preventative approach to the law — helping schools and families anticipate legal problems, collaboratively address issues, and prevent disruptions to the education process.
Lara founded Cedar Law based on a holistic approach to school law informed by her unique background in education, social work, and the law. She is licensed to practice law in Washington and California. Lara received her JD from the University of Washington School of Law and also holds an MSW in Child and Family Welfare Policy from Columbia University, an MSEd in Special and General Childhood Education from Bank Street College of Education, and a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from U.C. Berkeley. She has experience teaching children from pre-kindergarten through middle school in California, New York, and Louisiana, where she served as the founding special education director for two post-Katrina charter schools in New Orleans.
Prior to forming Cedar Law in 2015, Lara worked at a Seattle litigation firm representing traditional school districts around the State of Washington with day-to-day general counsel advice and provided representation in state and federal litigation and administrative proceedings. She served on the board of the Washington Council of School Attorneys from 2013-2014 and the board of the Washington Women Lawyers from 2014-2016. Lara received the 2016 UW School of Law Women Leaders Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Young Lawyer. She was named a 2017 Rising Star by Washington Super Lawyers.
You can watch her recent oral argument on behalf of a student appellant in a special education matter before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit here.
Angela joined Cedar Law because of her particular interest in educational justice. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Boise State University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Idaho. Prior to practicing law Angela directed and taught at an early childhood education center she owned. Angela served as an extern law clerk to the Honorable Larry M. Boyle of the U.S. District Court, District of Idaho and was awarded a certificate of superior service as a judicial intern. She has capitalized on that experience by focusing her practice on all aspects of administrative and federal litigation under the IDEA and Section 504.
Angela moved from Boise to Seattle in the fall of 2007. While preparing for the Washington State bar exam she directed a childcare center in Seattle. She has also served as a Title 26 guardian ad litem representing the best interests of children. Angela is currently admitted to practice in the District Court of Idaho, The District Court of Western Washington, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Angela has presented at various venues and has lead special education clinics through out Western Washington.
Recent Presentations include: Skagit Valley Connections Conference, Serving Social and Emotional Needs in Early Childhood Settings, March 2015; Washington Parent Attorneys, Litigation Under Section 504, June 2016; Washington Autism Alliance Association, IDEA: Blueprints to Special Education Workshop September 2016; Shapow Law PLLC, Procedural Safeguards for Families under the IDEA, October 2016."
Phone: (206) 607-8277
Jeannette Cohen, M.Ed., JD Attorney at Law
Often recommended attorney who represents families in Special Education, 504, discipline and juvenile criminal issues.
Phone: 206-542-7234
Kara Freel-Sparks, Freel Sparks Law Firm
Provides legal services in the area of special education and special needs for school age children.
Freel Sparks Law Firm, PLLC focuses on law for people with disabilities. Our founding ideal is the basic civil rights of all people, regardless of physical or mental challenges. Ms. Freel-Sparks has extensive experience with all aspects of disability and the complex issues surrounding it, and is a tireless advocate for disability civil rights.
Ms. Freel-Sparks is:
· Washington State Bar Association, admitted
· U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, admitted
· Chapter President 2011-2012, Washington Women Lawyers
· Vice-President, Down Syndrome Community Board of Directors, 2014-16
· Vice President, Developmental Disabilities Life Opportunities Trust Foundation Board of Directors, 2013-14
She is also highly active in the disability community:
· Vice-President, Down Syndrome Community Board of Directors, 2014-16
· Vice President, Developmental Disabilities Life Opportunities Trust Foundation Board of Directors, 2013-14
· COPAA (Council of Parent, Attorneys and Advocates) member
· Seminar Speaker on Special Education Issues
Phone: 206-850-8624
Email: info@freelsparkslaw.com
Web: https://freelsparkslaw.com
Linda Lillevik & Ann M. Carey, Carey & Lillevik, PLLC
"Linda Lillevik is highly regarded for her representation of children, parents, and foster parents in proceedings that involve dependency, at-risk youth, truancy, and child-in-need of services. She is respected for fighting successfully against inappropriate and overzealous state intervention in the lives of her clients and their families. In addition to her work in dependency and child welfare cases, she practices in all areas of family law, including divorce, parenting plans, child support, domestic partnership, adoption, and appeals. Linda has more than 20 years of courtroom experience in King County; she has earned her reputation as a passionate and effective attorney.
Ann Carey has devoted her career to advocating for youth and families in the juvenile justice system. She is known as a talented litigator and defender for the accused: both adult and juvenile. Ann has litigated hundreds of felony, misdemeanor, and dependency cases in King County and the State of Washington. In addition to her work in juvenile justice, Ann represents youth and families in school district cases. She is committed to the needs and interests of youth. Ann currently, serves as president of the Board of Directors for TeamChild, a nonprofit organization that provides civil legal services to court-involved youth.
Three areas of law with which Carey & Lillevik can assist you are:
1. School discipline
If a child is suspended or expelled, parents and students need an advocate to navigate the due process and alternative solutions that federal and state laws provide.
2. Special education
A child with a disability can be accommodated with an Individualized Education Plan.
3. Truancy
By law, children between the ages of 8 and 18 must attend school. If a juvenile “skips” school 7 times in a month or 10 times during the school year, the school district is required to file a truancy petition on the child and/or the parents. The court will often attempt to compel the youth to attend school. Carey & Lillevik can help you understand the underlying issues leading to truancy.
Issues involving a child or youth are complex and have lasting effects. It is important to have an experienced and able attorney to help you navigate this area of law."
Christopher Henderson, Brothers Henderson Dussault
"Represents parents of children with special needs in resolving conflicts with school districts over appropriate educational programs. They assist parents at all stages of dispute resolution, attendance at Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) conferences, mediation, due process hearings, state level review and civil action in Federal Court. In addition, thier attorneys are available to serve as a mediator in special education cases."
Phone: 206-324-4300
Email: bus@bhdlaw.com
Howard C Powers, Attorney at Law
"Areas of Practice:
Howard Powers represents families and students to enforce their educational rights. His practice emphasizes the rights of students to an appropriate education under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act and related laws. He has helped numerous families throughout Washington obtain appropriate programs from public schools and funding for private services and school placements. Assistance with other education-related matters may be available.
Services include consultation about legal rights and strategies to enforce them; assistance with the process of formulating evaluations and individualized education plans; negotiation with school districts to obtain the receipt of appropriate educational services, programs and placements; and litigating claims at all levels of the administrative and court systems.
Highlights of qualifications and experience:
Highlights of qualifications and experience:
Engaged in the practice of law in Seattle for 35 years
Licensed in Washington, Missouri, federal district court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Extensive experience pursuing claims at all levels of the state administrative and federal court system
Frequently asked by the bar association, universities and professional/parent associations to lecture on education law to lawyers, law students, educators and families
Selected by colleagues as a "top lawyer," in Seattle Magazine"
Phone: (206) 324-6287
Email: hcpow@msn.com,
Web: http://www.hpowerslaw.com
“At JanZagerLaw, we help not only in the traditional area of special needs planning, but also in special needs advocacy. With our years of experience in the legal, education, healthcare and social service systems and our holistic perspective, we see how the systems work or don’t work together. We provide advice and advocacy legal services on issues that arise any time from birth through vulnerable adulthood. We can meet with you specifically regarding special education eligibility and programming. In many instances, it is most cost-effective for us to take an advisory role and prepare you for meetings although we can represent you at meetings with school personnel or in administrative and judicial hearings. Children with special needs also have rights, entitlements and needs addressed by the developmental disabilities, mental health, juvenile justice or child welfare systems. We address how to gain access and services within those systems while protecting family rights and integrity.
We also work with parents going through what feels like the sudden and odd transition of having a child with disabilities turn eighteen and be considered an adult. It seems that everyone else gets access to information about this child you advocated for and defended just yesterday but you. The law becomes the enemy. In the interests of civil liberties, it feels like you are blocked you from a role in your child’s life, decisions and care, even as you may remain financially and emotionally responsible. At JanZagerLaw, we work with parents who need to take steps to protect their vulnerable adult children as they transition from school-based rights to other forms of social and governmental support. After we have helped you become your adult child’s legal guardian, we calendar the necessary dates for future reports and can prepare these reports for you.”
Phone: (206) 232-3348
Jenny M Cochrane, Attorney at Law
"Jenny Cochrane is the Principal Lead attorney of the Law Office of Jenny M. Cochrane. She has extensive experience with many aspects of the legal profession, including protecting against discrimination, sexual assault, wrongful termination, DUI defense, as well as honed her expertise in the areas of estate planning, asset protection services.
Ms. Cochrane began her legal career in 2001, working for The Defender's Association in Seattle, assisting with legal research and case preparation. After graduating law school, she gained more varied experience researching and preparing cases dealing with estates and probate issues, environmental stewardship, landlord tenant law, bankruptcy, and consumer debt mitigation. Despite the varied interests presented to Ms. Cochrane, she maintained her desire to focus on being an advocate for both the rights of the developmentally disabled and preserving personal privacy and asset protection using potent legal structures and strategies.
When consulting with Ms. Cochrane, you will find a careful listener that will provide you with a wealth of insight, well researched solutions and thoughtful guidance on how best to solve your legal challenges.
Ms. Cochrane is fluent in both English and Spanish and holds a B.A. in Latin American Studies form the University of Washington and earned a J.D. from the University of Montana School of Law. Ms. Cochrane is licensed to practice in Washington State and British Columbia, Canada."
Phone: 425-451-7276
Email: Info@jcochranelaw.com
Web: http://www.jcochranelaw.com/firm/
Free Legal Help
Washington Web Lawyer is a website where low-income clients with civil legal problems in Washington state post their legal questions online and receive advice from pro bono attorneys. Visit them online at WAWebLawyer.org.
211 Legal Referral and Information Hotline provides information for people facing civil (non-criminal) legal matters.
-free at 888-201-1014. The line is open weekdays 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Visit NWJustice.org and Northwest Justice Project YouTube channel for more information.
Reduced-Fee Legal Help
Self-help Legal Information
Court Forms: Administrative Office of the Courts
Legal Assistance for Low-Income Households: Northwest Justice Project
Civil Rights: American Civil Liberties of Washington
Immigration: Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Youth Law: Team Child
Disability Law: Disability Rights Washington
Looking for more referrals? Check out the OSPI Legal Referral List: http://www.k12.wa.us/SpecialEd/pubdocs/legal_referral_list.pdf